Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam Paath

The Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam is a revered text dedicated to Lord Lakshmi Narsimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu who embodies both protection and prosperity, often invoked for blessings of wealth, health, and spiritual strength. Conducting a Paath (recitation) of the Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam is believed to provide divine protection and blessings. Here’s a guide on how to perform the Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam Paath Pooja:

Key Features


Cleanse the Space: Select a clean, quiet area for the pooja. Decorate it with flowers and create a peaceful atmosphere.

Materials Needed:

  • Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam text (printed or handwritten)
  • A clean cloth or altar for the deity
  • A diya (lamp) and incense sticks
  • Water (for achaman and offerings)
  • Fresh flowers, fruits, and sweets as offerings
  • A bell (optional) to signify important moments

Sankalp (Intention): Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and set a clear intention for the pooja, focusing on the blessings and protection you seek.

Pooja Steps

Achaman (Purification): Take a small amount of water in your right hand and sip it three times while reciting the Achaman mantra to purify yourself.

Diya and Incense: Light the diya and incense, offering them to Lord Lakshmi Narsimha while chanting a prayer or mantra, such as "Om Namo Narayanaya."

Worship of Lakshmi Narsimha: If you have an idol or picture of Lakshmi Narsimha, place it on the altar and offer flowers and water. You can also create a symbolic representation of the deity.

Recitation of Sahasranaam: Begin reciting the Lakshmi Narsimha Sahasranaam. You may choose to complete it in one sitting or over several days. Focus on each name and its significance, allowing yourself to connect deeply with the deity.

Offering (Naivedya): After completing the recitation, offer fruits, sweets, and any other prepared offerings to Lord Lakshmi Narsimha.

Pradakshina Perform pradakshina around the pooja area or the altar, symbolizing your reverence.

Concluding Prayers: Conclude with prayers for prosperity, protection, and guidance. You can chant additional mantras such as the Lakshmi Narsimha Mantra or other Vishnu mantras as a closing prayer.

Distribution of Prasad: Share the offered fruits and sweets with family or friends as prasad, extending the blessings of Lakshmi Narsimha.


Take some time to reflect on the experience. Express gratitude to Lord Lakshmi Narsimha for his blessings, and consider journaling your thoughts or meditating on his qualities.


Feel free to adapt the steps based on your personal traditions or family customs. The essence of the practice lies in devotion and sincere intention. Enjoy your pooja!