Surya Pooja

Surya Pooja, or worship of the Sun God, Surya, is a significant ritual in Hinduism. Surya, the Sun God, is revered as a symbol of health, vitality, and prosperity. Performing Surya Pooja is believed to bring physical and spiritual benefits, including improved health and success in one's endeavors.

Key Features:


Cleanliness:- Ensure the pooja space is clean and tidy. Ideally, perform the pooja facing the East direction to face the rising sun.

Materials:- Gather the necessary items such as:

-A picture or idol of Surya, Fresh flowers. Fruits and sweets. Incense sticks and a diya (oil lamp), Water in a clean vessel, Red cloth or a clean cloth to place offerings, A small bowl of raw milk (optional)

Steps of Surya Pooja:- Early Morning: Perform the pooja at sunrise or early in the morning to align with the time when Surya is believed to be most powerful.

Begin with Prayers:-

Ganesha Pooja:- It is often customary to begin with a prayer to Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles.

Greet Surya:- Stand facing the Sun, offer your salutations, and mentally prepare for the pooja.

Offering Water:

Arghya (Water Offering):- Fill your right hand with water and offer it to the Sun. This is done while reciting specific mantras or hymns. One popular mantra is:

"Om Suryaya Namah"

"Om Adityaya Namah"

Perform Aarti:- Light an oil lamp (diya) and perform aarti (ritual waving of light) in front of the Sun God’s image while singing devotional songs.

Offerings:- Place fresh flowers, fruits, and sweets in front of the idol or picture of Surya.

Offer a bowl of raw milk if you wish.

Concluding the Pooja:

Pray for Blessings: Offer your prayers for health, prosperity, and success.

Prasad Distribution: Distribute the prasadam (blessed food) among family members.

Clean Up: Properly dispose of any used items and clean the pooja area.


Surya Namaskar: As a complement to the pooja, many devotees also practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) exercises, which are a series of yoga postures that honor the Sun.

Fasting:- Some devotees fast on specific days like Sundays or during special occasions dedicated to Surya.

Surya Pooja is a powerful way to start the day with positive energy and can be adapted based on personal or regional traditions.

₹ 3100 onwards
Basic (1 Pandit, 1 Day)

1 Pandit ji will come and perform the Pooja, Total procedure goes on for 1 hour 30 Minutes.

₹ 3100